Film Poems: Amplifying Mysteries

June 10th, 2023
Whammy Analog Media, Los Angeles

A momentary poem made from inner objects, a dream crawling out of a house deep in the forest, and countless insect lights coming up from the ground, this program floats and sinks in luminous mysteries. These mysteries will only be revealed quietly when a beam of light from the projector hits the screen in the dark. A film, a poem, a writer, a secret. (c.h.l.)

These pieces hold a certain enigmatic quality, captivating us with abstract imagery that shimmers with seductive glamor. Their opaque and ambiguous nature prompts us to contemplate the meaning behind their intricacies. (S.Y.)

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Co-curated by Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin Liu & Seokyoung Yang

Graphic Design by Jaemin Lee